Algae Production Facility | New Orleans, U.S.A
Spring 2014 | Pratt Institute | New York | U.S.A.
Project By: Milad Showkatbakhsh, Asli Baysan, Karla Lockhart
Algae production facility courtyard
The primary objective of this project was to design a project comprehensively from schematic design phase to the construction document phase.
At the first stage of design, Magnetic Fields was used for form finding. Attraction points of the fields are functional cores of the project.
The landscape is following the general rule of the overall form of the project. Early line drawing was used to design the landscape.
Landscape of the project
Section through the project
Images A to F: first, second, third, fourth, fifth and roof plan of the project. Each floor has its unique floor plan according to the functions located in them. The continuity of the structure is clear through the horizontal cuts.
Image A is showing the structures and skeleton of the project, B is showing the opaque and transparent claddings on top of the structure. Image C is showing the louver system on top of the glazing and opaque panels and finally, image D shows the PBR responsible for Algae. PBRs should access to the sun directly.
Looking at the production section of the project
North and south elevation
Algae cultivation can be achieved in two ways: open ponds and photobioreactors (PBR). A photobioreactor is a closed equipment which provides a controlled environment and enables high productivity of algae. As it is a closed system, all growth requirements of algae are introduced into the system and controlled according to the requirements. PBRs facilitate better control of culture environment such as carbon dioxide supply, water supply, optimal temperature, efficient exposure to light, culture density, pH levels, gas supply rate, mixing regime, etc.
PBRs are used in this project
A section of the project showing structure and interior elements
Exploded diagram of the structure, floor slabs, and cores of a section of the project. Unique designed structure of the project lead to the open floors without any columns.
This image contains an augmented reality model of the project, You need to download junaio app on your smartphone then scan the barcodes and point the phone toward the picture. The highly detailed augmented model of the project will be extruded out of your screen.
A frame of the structure
Interior of the project
3D printed model of the project